Legal informations

The Privilège Marine website can be accessed at the address It (hereinafter “the website”). Access to and use of the site are subject to the following “Legal Notices” detailed below, as well as applicable laws and/or regulations. Connection, use, and access to this site imply the internet user’s full and unconditional acceptance of all the provisions contained in the Legal Notices. The Privilège Marine website can be accessed at the address Access to and use of the site are subject to the following “Legal Notices” detailed below, as well as applicable laws and/or regulations. Connection, use, and access to this site imply the internet user’s full and unconditional acceptance of all the provisions contained in the Legal Notices.

Connection, use, and access to this site imply the internet user’s full and unconditional acceptance of all the provisions contained in the Legal Notices.

The site reserves the right to modify the clauses stipulated on this page at any time.

Article 1 – Legal information:

This article specifies the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring.

Site editor : the site is published and belongs to the company:

  • Privilège Marine – 691 Bd de l’Île Vertime, Port Olona, 85100 Les Sables d’Olonne, France
  • Phone number : +33 (0)2 51 22 22 33
  • Simplified joint stock company (SAS)
  • Capital stock : 5 000 000€
  • SIRET number : 75253068300016
  • VAT number : FR93752530683

Publishing director: Pascal Heems

Web hosting : the site is hosted by the company:

  • OVH
  • 140 quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – Tél. +33 0899 701 761
  • SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of €10,174,560


  • Visuals: Privilège Marine, Shutterstock
  • Videos: Privilège Marine

Article 2 – confidentiality and personal data:

For any questions regarding our privacy policy and the protection and processing of personal data, please refer to our cookie policy page.

Article 3 – intellectual property

In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, all elements of the site (ergonomics, texts, graphics, images, sounds, videos, databases – this list is not exhaustive), taken together or separately, are the exclusive property of Privilège Marine.

The internet user prohibits any representation, reproduction, adaptation, or partial or total exploitation of the elements of the site described above without the prior written authorization of Privilège Marine. Any unauthorized use of the elements of the site would constitute an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code.

Article 4 – responsibility:

Privilège Marine takes the utmost care with the content distributed on the site and is considered reliable. Privilège Marine reserves the right to correct and modify content at any time.

However, the information provided on the site is purely informative. The internet user assumes sole responsibility for the use of the information and content on this site.

Privilège Marine cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from information that is misused and/or has proven to be inaccurate or incomplete.

Article 5 – hypertext links:

Outgoing hyperlinks to other private or public sites are present on the site; however, the web pages to which these links lead do not in any way engage the responsibility of Privilège Marine.

Privilège Marine provides no guarantee regarding the content or accuracy of information on other sites for which links have been made from this site.

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